Friday, November 22, 2013

Can I Get A Little Privacy Around Here?

So Mommy said I needed a bath today.  I don't mind baths so much, really.  I used to throw a hissy fit - complete with the hissing, scratching, climbing and crying.  But, honestly, I can't keep myself as clean as I would like to anymore and I don't like to be dirty.  Also, I kind of like the way warm water feels when Mommy pours it over my achy joints.  So bath time is actually going pretty well until HE shows up.  That Cheerio does not understand about privacy.  Actually, there are very few things that Cheerio does understand.

Cheerio was walking back and forth on the edge of the tub, checking out everything.  He wanted to know what was going on, even though he has had a bath before.  How does he not understand?  I'm knee-deep in water and bubbles because I'm taking a bath.  A bath is a private situation.  Not a spectator event!

What are you looking at, kid?

That's ok.  I'll take care of you once I get dry...


  1. privacy is tough to come by when you have fur-sibs :) we understand that all too well, Chloe. We are impressed you enjoy baths. you do make them sound nice. The picture of you all wet is priceless! good luck teaching Cheerio some manners!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

    1. woops! sorry, Daffodil! we are still learning your names!
      Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  2. Don't worry about it, we haven't been posting our stories for very long, so I'm not at all offended. We're looking forward to getting to know all of our new fur-iends.

  3. You don't look very pleased at your fate. At least you're clean now :-)

    1. That's the truth! The sacrifices we women make in the name of beauty...


We can't wait to hear what you have to say about this! - Daffodil, Chloe and Cheerio