Monday, November 18, 2013

Chloe's Acrobatic Adventure

I'm so embarrassed. I can't believe Mommy came home and found me engaged in such foolishness...

It's all Cheerio's fault, of course.  He's always doing silly things and putting himself in silly places.  But never me.  I'm too dignified for this kind of behavior.

But that boy kept talking about how much fun and exciting it is until I finally had to try it.  I've seen him walk on the railing so many times.  Sometimes he falls, most of the time he gets down safely on his own though.  It did look like fun.  Oh well, I thought, why not give it a try?

But then Mommy came, and before I realized she was there, she saw what we were doing.  She didn't make much noise - I think she was afraid she would scare us and we would fall.  Immediately, I was so ashamed of myself for following along with Cheerio.  I was so mad at him that I decided to give him a little push...  Not a big one, just enough to let him know how I felt about the trouble he was getting me into.

Luckily for him, he was able to hold on.  Next time, he might not be so lucky.

The whole ordeal was so traumatic, that I had to go through my de-stress routine: a visit to the litter box, a few bites to eat, and then a nap in my window seat.  That Cheerio doesn't even understand when someone's upset with him.  He hopped right up with me in my special napping spot.

Oh well, I'm too tired and upset to try to explain it to him.  Maybe later...


  1. yoW! Chloe, you and Cheerio could be stars at the Cat-Olympics for balance beam and high wire! we hope you were able to have a peaceful nap even with Cheerio there. He proly just wanted to let you know there were no hard feelings. purrs,

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

    1. Thanks, but I'm going to keep my paws planted firmly on the floor from now on!

  2. Wow what balance you kitties have! Be careful up there!

    1. It was fun, but pawfully scary, too! I'm not planning to do that anytime again soon.

  3. Your "high wire" act is awesome!

    Critter Alley

    1. Thanks, Pat! I think I'm going to retire my act, though. I actually listened to what my Mommy told me about the danger of being up there. Cheerio, on the other hand, that's a different story...


We can't wait to hear what you have to say about this! - Daffodil, Chloe and Cheerio